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Florida Water

Florida Water

In use for centuries, this versatile cologne has certainly proven to be a useful staple in any home and in many sorcery and religious practices.


There are many ways to use Florida Water: for cleansing, protection, in ritual, for offerings to the Ancestors and Divine Spirits, for divination, blessing, uplifting energy, grounding, peace and calm, clearing space, and many more.  



Introduced in the United States in 1808, Florida Water is known for its refreshing citrus smell and its strong cleansing properties. Called “The most popular perfume in the world”, it’s named after the legendary Fountain of Youth, which is purported to have been located in Florida.

Florida Water contains a blend of dissolved essential oils, including  lemon oil, orange oil and lavender oil and has a base ingredient of alcohol.   It's a staple in Wicca, Santeria, Hoodoo and Voodoo due to its strong magical properties. 




~ Add to spiritual baths to enhance spiritual cleansings.


~ Wear as a cologne for a protective shield that leaves a delicate scent.


~ The stimulating citrus and floral scented cologne is commonly used for ritual offerings and purification. Holy Water can be replaced with Florida Water.


~ Mist in the environment to attract good spirits.


~ Add to floor washes and Spiritual Baths for cleansing and blessing properties.


~ Use Florida Water to cleanse items on your altar to get rid of any negative energy. Wiping items down can also help you receive messages from spirits and ancestors. NOTE: When wiping down candles, wait until the candle is completely dry before lighting as Florida water is very flammable..


~ In Spellwork, Florida Water is used to remove heavy energies and to encourage the expression of emotions.


~ Use as an astringent and skin lotion to tone the skin, leaving it with a feeling of freshness.


~ As a rubdown for the sick, Florida Water has a beneficial, stimulating effect similar to alcohol rubs but much more pleasant due to its aromatherapeutic qualities.


~ Florida water has many calming properties and can help boost moods, improve creativity and inpiration. 


~ When seeking guidance from ancestors, placing a small dish of Florida Water on your altar will clear the air of any static and interference to allow for a clear reading.


~ Attract love or unblock relationship obstacles by adding a few drops of Florida Water to a bowl next to your bed. Light a Love Drawing or red candle while focusing on your desired goal. * Florida Water is flammable and should never be placed directly on a candle or too close to a flame.


~ For home cleansings and blessings, mix Florida Water with a protective herb like Sweet Basil and anoint your floors, windows and doorways for good luck, protection, and prosperity. 


~ Bring peace, calm and prosperity into the workplace by spraying Florida Water Spray at your office door and around your desk.


~ After engaging with negative energy, people or environment, spritz yourself and your hands to clear the toxicity away.


~ If you engage in gossip and would like to stop, apply Florida Water on your throat and heart. 


~ When writing your spells out, boost the power by adding some Florida to the ink and paper.


~ Florida Water can be used for scrying and divination. Place a little bit into a dark bowl and gaze into it. 


~ Spray some diluted Florida water and patchouli essential oil on your cash for extra abundance.


~ Mist a little over your pillow and your bedroom to ensure a restful sleep, good dreams, and dream divination.


~ Placing some Florida Water in a bottle with an amethyst crystal to anoint your hands before shuffling a tarot deck, a pendulum, a crystal sphere before scrying, etc.  Spray some diluted Florida water around you or your space before you begin a tarot reading.


~ Fill a small bowl with spring water, Florida water, and place the bowl by your front door to draw out negative energy from your home. Replace the water once a week.


~ Spray  around you or your space before meditating.


~ Use it alongside any spells or rituals for attracting love to increase the potency of the spell/ritual.


~ Add a bit of Florida water to your laundry (especially bedding if you frequently have nightmares) for protection.


~ For high anxiety it can be applied to the forehead and used as a rubdown, providing some relief for nervous tension.


~ Pour a little in a cast iron pot or cauldron and light it to aid in spirit communication through fire.


~ Combine basil and patchouli essential oils, Florida water and a lodestone to a spray bottle for a wonderful attraction spray.


~ Use to baptise doll babies/poppets by spraying on the doll’s head.


Shake well before use. 


Prepared with all natural ingredients and in accordance with traditional formula, with intent.


Every ritual, conjured oil, hoodoo powder, incense and curio is hand prepared by me with pure intention, during the correct planetary alignments, moon phase, deity of the week and planetary hour. It is then ritually blessed and prayed over for three days.


*Occult properties of curio are provided for historical interest only, and no outcome is guaranteed.
None of this information should be taken as medical or legal advice.
Please use curio responsibly.

All of the craft and curio herbs are proudly grown in an organic sustainable way.
NO pesticides, herbacides, toxic fertilizers or chemicals are used in the growing, harvesting or processing of these botanicals. 100% Product of Australia



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